Friday, May 24, 2013

It's aaaaallllmooooosssst time!!!

EEEEEKKKK! The registration to the Princess Half Marathon opens in, like, 19 days!! The race is 271 days, 7 hours, 54 minutes and 23 seconds away....not that i'm counting :P Gary and I have started discussing what we are going to do about accommodation. And if we are going to fly or drive down. It is looking like we will have Gary's oldest daughter, Fiona, with us!! So that changes things slightly. It also looks like we are going to rent a camper and stay at the wilderness campground in disney. That is what I want to do, anyway :P
 We are looking over what our Disney Visa offers us and what AAA offers us. Hoping to get lots of discounts!! 
  I am also planning out my costume! I am thinking I will be Princess Jasmine.
 I have been back to running more and the ankle seems to be holding up....fingers crossed.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Color Me Excited!

Last fall i started a local chapter of Moms Run This Town. I had no one to run with and I didn't really know what I was doing, so I needed the support. But life got in the way and I hadn't really had time to "grow" my little chapter. And i'm really bad at making decisions, organizing, and talking to new people.  So starting this chapter was a good idea, right?? (sarcasm) Anyway, I finally decided I needed to get my arse in gear and do something useful for the people that joined the group. It's not easy organizing group runs. everyone's schedules are so different. Things come up.....and so on.
 I decided to do something useful and I sent a letter to Color Me Rad ( to try to some discounts for our group. We got a few FREE race entries!!! Woooohooooo!! So I will be doing giveaways for our MRTT Cumberland County members. Other Maine chapters will be doing some giveaways too. 
A huge thank you to Color Me Rad, not just for the free entries, but for coming to Maine!! I can not wait to run this race, it looks like sooooo much fun!!!
I hope more races like this come to maine! Big ones!! Like a diva dash!.....i'll get on that next ;)
 I also got into Beach 2 Beacon. Did i say that already??
Happy Running!